policy of partnership

As you think about the most influential, powerful and truly impactful people-from titans of industry to our most revered statesmen, they all had one thing in common-a partnership with their spouse. having that person who centers, grounds and understands you at a molecular level, someone that is an extension of you but can offer a differing perspective when you are on a collision course to make the wrong decsion. These relationships, friendships, Partnerships are the foundational foothold, outside of one’s faith, that help to charter their courses.

As we journey headlong into the 2024 election season, i see what an invaluable resource these partnerships provide. One wonders, how anyone could take on the cloak of public service, do so with the veracity and dedication it requires; without having the complete, unvarnihsed support of their signifcant other. without the drive and support your partner can provide you with, you are virtually split in half; how can one truly be a great partner and a great public servant if you are divided in obligatations and relationships?

Except in the rare case of extenuating circumstances, which we all understand, those partnerships will be centerstage and showcase the unspoken devotion and support that each has in the other. those partners who are willingly giving of themselves to support their spouse in the persuit of a higher calling are truly invaluable. as someone who has been through the heartbreak of divorce, I often reflect upon those partnerships. partnerships that are fractured from the start, then the inevitable wedge that public life can place between a couple who isn’t equally committed to the cause-it is a recipe for disaster.

I know how blessed and fortunate I am to have a true partner in every sense of the word, a trusted ally and sounding board who elevates me with his vast knowledge, business acumen and unconditional love. He has served in public office, worked the halls inside our capitol and has a crystalclear picture of what will be required from us both with my election success. my husband has an incredible intuition regarding people and behaviors, sincerity and negotiations. he is my biggest cheerleader, my most trusted companion and I am so very fortunate that he is fighting right beside me to restore representation to the people of our district. I believe every great public servant, global leader or titan of industry has that same supportive relationship to help guide them and elevate them.

Jenifer Stevens

Jenifer Stevens is fighting to restore pragmatic, conservative representation for the People of house district 79. Jenifer’s experience, dedication to serve and her fearless advocacy are just some of the attributes that make her the most uniquely qualified candidate for this position.

