
Stepping-up to serve. I feel some clarification is in order. It is no secret, I serve as the Tulsa County Republican Party Vice Chair, have had this distinct honor for the past few years. Jumping into a campaign for state legislature was not on my radar, anywhere. My commitment and focus has been working on growing the Republican party, assisting quality conservative candidates in getting elected to office and aiding the Tulsa County Republican Party Chair in whatever capacity she requires (aiding and assisting is literally our job descrition.) Over the last half of 2023, many people approached me about running for this office. I admit, I thought that was a crazy insane! I pushed back and told them we would work to find a highly quealified candidate to run, someone who brought something new to the table. One afternoon, it hit me like a bolt of lightening. I was quickly dismissing the needs and requests of the People, I was wrong. I let go of any reservations I had, made the commitment and looked straight ahead. What I had not done, at any point was discuss or even breach the subject with Ronda, Tulsa County Chair. When I spoke with her, my concern was what decsions needed to be made regarding my postiion in the party. We made multiple calls, got opinions from those who would know, and found out I did not have to resign my position.

It is the honor of my life to run for this office, for so many to be encouraging me, supporting me. I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support. I have not lived a sheltered, tidy life. I have lived! I have triuphed over tragedy, lived through considerable adversity and know what it is like to have much and have little. I promise, there will be no stronger advocate, no one more fearless and willing to stand for what the People need and deserve,than me. I will fight with everything I have to restore conservative, pragmatic representation for the People of house district 79 and Oklahoma.

Jenifer Stevens

Jenifer Stevens is fighting to restore pragmatic, conservative representation for the People of house district 79. Jenifer’s experience, dedication to serve and her fearless advocacy are just some of the attributes that make her the most uniquely qualified candidate for this position.

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